We must clearly evaluate the importance of assessment. Under an objective premise, we know that it is helpful for students to clarify their current knowledge level. In the teaching environment, assessment not only reflects the performance of students, but real assessment will play a positive role in promoting students’ abilities. Nowadays, the assessment has undergone a series of reforms, giving the language more full affection, allowing students and teachers to build a bridge and give full play to the true educational value. This kind of emotional language to identify and educate students will increase the emotion between teachers and students to a certain extent, and make students feel strongly inspiring.
Formative evaluation is to ensure that the teaching objectives are carried out in the process. His purpose is to improve student’s learning ability and improve students’ learning methods. To a certain extent, it monitors students’ learning also enables students to improve their self-regulation ability. Students identify their strengths and weaknesses, and the faculty and staff will go through a series of feedbacks, adjust until they are perfected, and achieve the purpose of teaching. Usually, this is a non-achievement method, which will organize students to complete tasks or participate completely.
The summative evaluation will provide the basis for students to assess the level of knowledge or skill mastery of the students. The pre-set teaching goal is the basis, and the corresponding evaluation is made with reference to whether the student reaches the goal level. In addition to assessing students’ academic performance, it also has a predictive effect on the future stages of learning. For example, in China’s high school entrance examination or college entrance examination, three or even six years of learning results will be determined by one examination. Under such high risks, it is inevitable that students will be exposed to too much pressure and a part of their psychological burden.